06.09.2016 | FRANZ BRACHT
Bracht Mobile Temporary Construction Road Equipment
Pioneers for greater efficiency, environmental protection and safety
Nothing works without a basic knowledge of the subject matter. This rule applies to all industries and all the more whenever a company becomes involved in a new field of activity. In this respect, however, there are no shortcomings at our company. As an experienced crane logistics firm, we understand the various problems associated with the different types of building site terrain like the back of our hand. This refers, among other things, to the crane and construction equipment areas as well as the building site access roads. Without a doubt, there are already solutions for this: the question is, if and how you can improve the existing processes and results.
Aim: speedier processes, safety and protection of the environment
A starting point in our deliberations regarding an optimisation of the processes for building temporary construction roads was the improvement of the cost-benefit ratio. Whether through the use of innovative transfer technology, significant time-saving or a reduction in staffing costs. Another key aspect of the goal setting was the sustainable protection of natural areas.
Solution: innovative, simple, fast and economical
The system used for our MOBILE TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ROAD EQUIPMENT includes a combination of special transfer truck and precisely tailored steel plates, which, depending on requirements, are available in two different versions.
The transfer truck and its special features
- Load capacity: up to 172 m² (= 16 plates)
- Truck control system: vehicle operable from the crane stand or by radio remote control
- Crane operation: directly from the crane stand or by radio remote control
- Staff: effective one-man transfer of plates using gripper
- Performance: up to 16 plates can be transferred per hour
- Vehicle support: the front support is always the same as the vehicle width; the rear support is variable
Technical data – plates |
Length | 600cm | 500cm |
Width | 180cm | 180cm |
Weight | 1,3t | 1t |
Material | Steel | Steel |
Load distribution | 30kg/cm² | 30kg/cm² |
Number of trucks | 16 units | 19 units |
Total units | 53 units | 48 units |
The result: safe, efficient and environmentally friendly
- Temporary construction roads in record time
- Effective one-man transfer
- Ideal as construction site access road and crane or construction equipment standing area
- Stabilisation of unpaved, sodden and unstable ground
- Customised steel plates for optimal weight distribution
- Sustainable protection of natural environment
- No damage or destruction of high-quality, sensitive surfaces and flooring
- Wind energy installations
- Power line construction
- Mobile phone mast construction
- Crane standing areas
- Heavy transport road construction
- Construction site access roads
- Pre-assembly areas